The Booking Process
The West Bridgford Photo Marathon is open to absolutely anyone aged 7 and upwards, no matter what level of skill you have in photography. The Booking Process works like this:
Step 1- On-Line Booking
Complete the on-line Booking Form. You will be asked to submit your name, address, telephone number, email address, camera make and memory card type. If the entrant is under 16 years of age (still at school), then the name, address, telephone number and email address of their parent or guardian must also be entered. This person is responsible for completing a Consent Form without which the entrant will not be able to take part in the Photo Marathon.Step 2 - Email Notification
Once you have completed the on-line booking process an email will be sent to you which contains your booking details, a Consent Form if the entrant is under 16, the entrance fee and the address to which to send your payment.For entrants under the age of 16 years (still at school), these details will be emailed to their parent or guardian.
Step 3 - Send your payment (and consent form)
Please send your cheque, for the amount stated, to the address below as soon as possible to secure your place.For entrants aged 16 and under (still at school), this must be accompanied by a signed Consent Form which is contained in your booking email. The Photo Marathon is limited to 300 contestants and so unpaid places may be taken if you delay payment beyond 2 weeks after booking.
Cheques must be payable to Churches Together in West Bridgford .
Please post your Payment and Consent Form to:-
West Bridgford Photo Marathon
PO Box 9784
NG2 9JGStep 4 - Booking Confirmation Email
Once your payment has been received we will email you with a Booking Confirmation to say we have received it and your place is secure. This email will contain your ENTRANT NUMBER which will identify your photos to the judges. Please bring this Booking Confirmation email with you on the day of the Photo Marathon as confirmation of identity.Step 5 - The Photo Marathon
Turn up on October 10th at 9am prompt at the St. Giles Church (see map) for the Photo Marathon. Please bring your Booking Confirmation Email (from step 4). Bring your own formatted (empty) memory card. You will be given a lanyard with your ENTRANT NUMBER which will be used to identify you during the day and afterwards to the judges. You will also be given a map of the Marathon Zone.Privacy Statement
The data you submit through this web site will be stored and administered by Churches Together in West Bridgford who guarantee that the information supplied will not be used for purposes other than the West Bridgford Photo Marathon and will not be passed on to any third party.Reminders
If you do not respond with your signed Booking Form (and Consent Form for under 16s) within a reasonable period, we will send you a reminder email. Because numbers will be restricted to 300, unused places will be offered to later bookings after this period if no response is received.SPAM
Please ensure that '' is in your email 'Safe List' as sometimes these emails are sent to the SPAM or JUNK folder.